Friday 7 September 2012


If you are interested in coming along to a presentation about this bike journey I am doing a talk at the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology this wednesday 12 sept at 7pm. Its free to everyone and I will be showing my photos and telling some stories of my experiences.
Hope to see you there, Ben.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben or shoudl i say Bin..... hahah

    i thought i would drop you a line to say WOW i got onto your blog, it is going to take me a bit of time to read through but i have a had a skim and the maps and black lines are WOW! I get the title of your blog .... sore bum!!! Very impressive may be you should re name the blog to tight , hard bum... after all that cycling it must be like steel!!! haha

    Thank you for a great time on the paddle ( piddle) i truely love NZ and really its only 4 hours away.... will have to come visit more often :) may be a cycle/ kayak / hike around NZ to be planned... intrested?????

    well thanks again , your blog will keep me busy for some time , below is my blog :)

    speak soon

    Tamsin ( teacher from Haileybury, if you forgot) :)

    Ps thanks for the Pic of you on my camera ... very in your face :)haha
